What is a Content-managed website?
Content Management Systems or CMSs have been increasingly popular over the past few years.
A CMS system allows you, the customer, total control and flexibility in the self-management of your web site.
You log into your websites administration area via the internet and create articles, edit text, images, files and any other content in real-time. This eradicates the need to keep contacting a web designer and incurring additional costs.
This is ideal for customers that require frequent changes to website text and images. There are many advantages to using a CMS.
If you would like to find out more please contact us to see if a content management system is for you.
Content management systems are great tools, giving you the freedom to update your website and rapidly adapt to fast-changing markets. A website with fresh and constantly added content attracts more attention - from both potential customers and search engines.
The content you can manage is limited only by your needs - new pages, photos, press releases, employee details, upcoming events, calendar, new products, integrated mapping - the systems can handle everything you need.
What are the advantages of a Content-managed website?
- Easily editable content - Update your website at any time of day or night, using any web browser.
- Delegation - Give control over sections of the website to specific members of staff and partners, while restricting what they can edit.
- Workflow management - Have full control over the approval process - let junior staff make changes to the website which only go public once approved by a manager.
- Content versioning - Make and preview changes to your website without your customers being able to see them.
- Integrated blog and automatic RSS feed generation - Great for syndicating your content on Google and across other websites
Open source content management systems
Open source CMS systems such as Joomla!, Drupal and Wordpress are powerful with an unbeatable cost of ownership. Functionality can be added quite simply and cost effectively by using one of the many thousands of extensions (both free and commercial), to give you the facilities you require.
Want To Manage Your Own Website Content?
The benefits of being in control of your website are obvious; instant updates whenever you want them and the ability to add new content like articles and news to keep your site interesting and up to date.
Visitors will keep coming back to your site to see what you’re writing about!
What’s more, adding new website content on a regular basis spells good news for your search engine ranking because the search engines love regularly updated content.
If your website is going to change on a regular basis, you need a content management system (CMS) otherwise you’ll be forever reliant on someone else doing the updates for you.
Your Website Is In Your Hands
A Content Management System allows you to instantly update your content as and when you please by simply logging in through a secure web browser. CMS websites are the future of web design and offer significant benefits over ‘static’ websites that need to be updated by a designer.
Log in; make your changes; update and it’s job done
Wherever you are, providing you have access to the internet, you can login to a secure area on your website, make the changes you want, click ‘update’ and there you have it: website updated. You can make changes such as:
- Amend or add new content to your web pages
- Replace or add new images and videos
- Update price lists and product ranges
- Add or remove pages
- Post news and blogs
- Add new links
- Promote your latest special offers
And lots more! A Content Management System is simple to use and maintain. It will provide you with the flexibility to manage your own site, with reduced dependence on IT staff, or web developers (you may still need these for some things, but the dependence is greatly reduced).
After your site is in production (live), MobiusMBL will provide 3 months free administration and support to help get you going, and to become independent. We can also provide full customer support and administration at rates which are less than industry standard. As has been noted in another article, we are here to make a difference for our customers, and not simply to make money.
Be in control of your website!
If you are fed up with not being in control of your website or want to set up a new site that you can edit yourself whenever you wish, contact Mobius MBL today to discuss your specific content management system needs!